
Sue (Chair), Damo, Louise, Helmut, Spike, Glenda, Quarf, AB, D’Amage, Wayne


Ross, Jackie


Jess Robinson (SMAC)

The meeting opened in disarray at 7:25pm. Disarray continued throughout the meeting so that business could be dealt with before people had to go and other people could get there. If the minutes hop around, for once it’s not because I missed my medication.

Helmut was appointed Lee for the day. Thus the balance of nature is restored.

Spike then serenaded Damo for his birthday, lyrics will apparently be enblogged at some point.

Previous Minutes

Accepted  with amendments to the date. Proposed Louise, seconded Quarf. Carried.

Business Arising- Part 1

The Great Trailer Inventory of 2012-Part 1

Discussion on the pine table resulted with it being referred to a working group to sand the marks off and reconstruct to a more accurate pattern.

Damo tabled an options paper on replacement of the various 1930s style trestle legs and the legs of the pine table with a more accurate and functional design. Following discussion on stability and strength, option A was selected with the material to be hardwood, preferably oak. Wayne to price 60lm 18mmX24mm DAR oak in his next call to Harpers.

People then wandered off to the bar. The meeting broke at 7:45 for dinner, with Damo leaving to go back down t’pit at 7:50. The meeting resumed at 8:00pm.

The President, Her report

[I’ll pretend I minuted this but it’s really taken from the email version]

As some of you will have heard, my Dad passed away on the 22nd of February, and I took leave to fly back to NZ for the funeral and to be with Mum & my sister for a week. I appreciate the kind thoughts received from those folk who did know.

Now on to more pleasant things…

Firstly, welcome to new members Bill Bracewell (aka Barnacle Bill) and the lovely Ali (and kinder… I had names written on something I can’t find… oh, well). You may have met them at the Christmas Party. Bill is quite fond of cannon, I believe…

I hear from the Treasurer that as of Sunday 12 people have renewed their membership for this year. Not bad, not bad… a bit more effort from a few of you would be appreciated!

Since the Feb meeting, What to Do About the Table(s) has been the subject of a Presidential Inquisition. I have just received the Chief Inquisitor’s report which gives us a number of options to chew over.

Advance Warning – Spike is in charge of planning An Event in the Southern Highlands for later in the year & will be in touch with Squire Barnsley shortly about the details (nudge, nudge).

ALHF matters. The ALHF AGM will be held at Easter at the Armidale gathering. There are a number of resolutions on the agenda that we need to decide on as a society. Whilst we will take a vote at the SC tonight I will also take feedback via email from those who can’t attend. Rather than copying the resolutions word for word, here is a summary of what they are designed to do…

Resolution 1: forms a Company Limited by Guarantee and transfers the assets of ALHF Inc to that Company. It also adopts a Constitution which includes a Board made up of representatives of State Living History Federations.

Resolution 2 renames ALHF Inc to NSW Living History Federation Inc with a new Constitution

Resolution 3 (if 1 & 2 fail) is similar to (1) in that it creates a Company Limited by Guarantee but does not have the State Bodies in its Constitution.

Resolution 4 (not on the agenda yet, but foreshadowed to be added by Another Person) – if 1 & 2 fail, this resolution would require the establishment of State subcommittees with specific powers and responsibilities, to be part of ALHF Inc or ALHF Ltd, whichever organisation it ends up being.

Also there is an agenda item in relation to forming a safety structure and procedures for the safe use of horses in re-enactment. Anyone interested, please contact me for a copy of the proposal.


Duyfken: I found a note from the last meeting which says I am supposed to “send details to Andy” – sorry Andy, with everything that’s been going on I lost track of this. However their email is and their website is – if you could proceed as discussed

Treasurer’s report

We’re not broke. All receipts from the Christmas Party have come in and the trailer rego has been paid. Sufficient slowmatch has been procured.

Some memberships came in bringing the total to 12 financial members and kids. The fee schedule has been sent around to all members.

Total holding is $6965.42

Moved: that we accept the treasurer’s report.  Wayne, seconded AB. Carried.

Editor’s report

Blog is chugging along nicely, with new links to how to do things are in the links list. There’s a photo report on  the Invasion of Newcastle but more articles and posts are needed. Facebook group also seems to be humming.


Nearing 15,000 views
155 posts, (will we get to 200 by the end of the year?)
288 comments (synchronicity!)

Views Jan 1223
Feb   794
Mar (so far)   367

Moved: that we accept the publisher general’s report.  Sue, seconded Helmut/ Lee. Carried.


Membership moneys in.

Email from a group producing Beauty and the Geek for tele-o-vision looking for victims. Some giggling followed and then we decided to ignore it.

ALHF AGM notice and supporting documentation – moved to General Business.

Business Arising- Part 2

The Great Trailer Inventory of 2012- Part 2

The question of benches arose, mainly due to a surfeit of table and a paucity of seats. AB to produce a short options document along the lines of the table one.

Priorities for repair and replacement to be set by the Committee.

Louise has spotted a portable kitchen on Talerwin Forge’s website. Bucket committee to investigate.


ALHF AGM will be held at Armidale on Good Friday with people who don’t meet the Armidale requirements graciously allowed to attend. Sue and Jackie will be attending, as will Jess from SMAC.

The ALHF question was put to members present at the meeting to determine which way the club will vote. Given that option 2 makes no sense without option 1, we decided to treat these as a single decision.

Resolution 1: forms a Company Limited by Guarantee and transfers the assets of ALHF Inc to that Company. It also adopts a Constitution which includes a Board made up of representatives of State Living History Federations. This is the preferred option of the ALHF committee.

Resolution 2 is subordinate to resolution 1 and renames ALHF Inc to NSW Living History Federation Inc with a new Constitution.

Resolution 3 (if 1 & 2 fail) is similar to (1) in that it creates a Company Limited by Guarantee but does not have the State Bodies in its Constitution.

Discussion ensued on the merits of each option. The question was then put to the vote.

In favour of resolutions 1 &2, 5 votes. In favour of resolution 3, 4 votes. 1 abstention. The group will therefore vote in favour of resolutions 1 & 2.

RAHS insurance

We provided the expression of interest form based on $12,000 and said that we’d join RAHS if it got us cheaper insurance. We may hear from them In The Fullness Of Time™.

Replacement valuation was $12,000, split is:

Kitchen: $2,000
Encampment: $4,050
Portable assets: $5,200 (incl trailer)
Munitions: $  750

Assumptions: built infrastructure and consumables uninsurable, p. radiata items will be replaced with KDH, stuff not stored/transported in or on the trailer is not covered. Munitions includes leading staff, but not pikes as they belong to the member not the group. Powder, shot and match is consumable and not included. The Horse Accident tarp, being priceless, is sadly uninsurable.

The Google Docs post review inventory has been updated with value and valuation source for anything that was worth looking up.

Blacktown Medyeval Fayre

An rehearsal is to be held on 25 March at a place to be determined. Ross to arrange venue and times.

Attendees may be a little light on, we may have to rope in some ancients et al. Sue to contact Mr Kelly.

Activities on the day(s) to include display eating/Turnham Green re-enactment, dress ups (please bring any spare clothing) and a voluntary washer woman will do your laundry[2] – bring shirts and shifts for laundering. Wayne to possibly do some display gloving.

General Business

Sue rang Ross at 8:52pm with the rest of the meeting devolving in to a rabble. Ross will organise drilling members and will supply cord to Helmut to work his alchemical magic. Ross will buy the necessaries on the wish list allocated to him.


Sue to supply contact details to AB.

Company of the Staple Re-enactment Skill Day

Held at Linfield and attended by Wayne. Organised workshops on scabbards, pouches and tunicae were held and while ambitious for a one day session,  taught people new skills and what was possible. Many people attended and did their own projects or worked in small teams. Following the lunch break a short forum session was held where each attendee shared what they and their group were doing re-enactmentwise. Recommended to include future skill days in our calendar.

Meeting closed at 9:15pm with a frontal assault on the bar, followed by being kicked downstairs at 9:30 when the top bar closed.

Action Items By
12/03 Obtain price on 60lm 18x42mm DAR oak WR
12/04 Benches options paper AB
12/05 Supply/make match cord RA/PB
12/06 Send stuff to AB re Dufkyn SD

[1] The Cow scored quite highly on the Schnitzel Index but has a poor range of ales.

[2] almost dissolving it in lye soap, banging it on a rock in the lake and rinsing in creek water.

Posted by: internationalroutier | March 20, 2012

Invasion of Newcastle- now with added words!

Didn’t we have a lovely day…
The day dawned much clearer than the previous Invasion. We made our way in a leisurely fashion to Hornsby station and hooked up with Blue Sue and Spike, the Reverend and Mrs the Reverend. Spike had obtained some artery hardening second breakfast in the form of hot chips, with barely-less-than-solid fat. This was duly passed around.

Imagine our horror when it became known that Helmut the German, that Invasion Stalwart, was not joining us this time! No Special Coffee or physically impossible amounts of Middle Eastern Pastries!!! Fortunately the president had rallied and done her best to make “yuppy coffee” despite Spike’s intervention, and did a pretty phenomenal job at the near impossible task of living up to Helmut.

The dear feller’s company sadly missed, we set about playing a game of debate – one of Spike’s card games (photos of which you will see below). This seemed to me to go on all the way to Newcastle!

However, at Gosford we were met by Lee, who had sacrificed his morning in bed to head south and accompany us back to his home town. At this point we played the game at which we are now so expert…juggling hot cups of “coffee” , thermoses, pastries, cakes and fruit.

Upon arrival at Newcastle we sauntered over to the Wharf and met Buffalo Bill, his missus and their various progeny. Magnus set to with a 3D game of Angry Birds with young Evan and apart from eating and wearing vast amounts of tomato sauce with some fish and chips, nothing much else happened down the kids end of the table.

At the river end of the table, we drank pint after pint of ginger beer (which was back on tap – hooray – though there seemed to be a pint glass shortage) until we were deemed liquid enough to have a meeting, which we did, and there was much rejoicing – especially when it was finished.

Delicious meals were had and more chitter chat until it seemed that the 3 o-clock entertainment was setting up. The marvellous Mr Dixon joined us at this point.

Too soon it was time to head home. The Cessnockians left and we headed for the train with Puppy. A fun trip back south, though unfortunately someone didn’t sleep as hoped (but his father did). Rail-weary and battered and bruised (the scars of child-minding) I returned home and neglected for weeks to write this promised account.

A successful trip! Absent friends toasted, new friends welcomed, traditions upheld. A wise new committee evidently agrees that once a year is not enough for this type of event. I look forward to the Inaugural Invasion of Wollongong coming up in August and suggest in the meantime a Waistcoat Outing to Woy Woy via train, for fish and chips and duck feeding.

from the ed
Three cheers for all guest posters!!
Stay tuned for our first bloggy giveaway!!!

Posted by: internationalroutier | March 12, 2012

An Invasion of Newcastle (in pics, so far)

Posted by: Wayne Robinson | March 11, 2012

Soldiers’ Council, February 2012 Newcastle-upon-Hunter


Sue (Chair), Spike, Lee, Vixen, Magnus, Barnacle Bill, AB, Glenda, Ali et kinder, Ian D


Stephen, HtG, Lou, Ross, Jackie

The meeting opened with a brief bombardment of irate birds at the adjacent table, 1.31pm. Lee was appointed Helmut the German for the day.

Previous Minutes

Accepted  with amendments to add the date, and Ali to the list of those present. Proposed Lee, seconded AB. Carried.

The President, Her report

Welcomed all to the inaugural meeting for 2012 is sunny downtown Newcastle. The intention is to do stuff, have fun, talk more and get on with it. So we got on with it.

Treasurer’s report

We’re not broke. Still awaiting recepts from the Christmas Party.

Some memberships came in. Three to be exact, everyone else to extract the collective digits.

Received a letter in writing on actual paper and delivered by the postie. It was accompanied with receipts for slowmatch and the trayler rego papers.

Total holding is $7046.17

Moved: that we buy a cannon. Lee (proxy Helmut), seconded Spike, carried 4 in favour, 3 against. It was subsequently overturned on a procedural motion due to invalid mechanism.

Moved: that we accept the treasurer’s report.  Spike, seconded Vixen. Carried.

Public Officer/Secretary

The Secretary and Public Officer appear to have been asleep and had nothing to report other than the Control of Weapons Regulations (Vic) 2011 review period had been extended again due to some nameless individual pointing out that 17th century pen-knives had three edges and a point and were thus considered prohibited weapons under the proposed reg. New NSW firearms bill will be covered under general business.

Editor’s report

Delivered in falsetto by the Secretary.

It is with great sadness and a lasting ginger deficiency that I am missing this year’s Newcastle Invasion.
So, I am putting on my Andrew Wilkie trousers and asking for a precommitment from a volunteer or 2 to provide some words and/or pictures for a post Newcastle Invasion report. Should be a no brainer, crazy s*** always seems to go down. Though the guy setting himself on fire and leaping off the pier is always going to be tough to beat.

It has been a great joy of mine reading all of the wonderful International Routier articles written by so many society members over the years and I kind of miss that since introducing the blog. Wayne and I would love some more voices to join in, ain’t like Routiers to be quiet after all. We have some amazingly talented artists and, you know, word guys amongst us so I look forward very much to your contributions! They can be in any form- lengthy sagas, picture essays, 140 characters and a hashtag, haiku, limerick…

Anything from a rude woodcut to a fully researched and scholarly article is welcome. thanks to Vix for stepping up to the Newcastle report challenge. Complimentary or contradicting addtional reports no matter the length also welcome.

Rembraandt Dutch club not answering either email- will try calling and braving the impenetrable accent.

Discussion ensued with a decision reached that we need more contributors.

Moved: that we accept the publisher general’s report.  Glenda, seconded Lee/Helmut. Carried.


  • Membership moneys in
  • Notice of Blacktown Medieval Fayre acceptance
  • ALHF proposed restructure

Business Arising

The Great Trailer Inventory of 2012

The inventory was held at a special[1] working bee on 29 January accompanied with much peg banging and counting. Ah, ah, ah. An abridged version of the inventory was tabled but interrupted by another squadron of angry birds interjecting. Lou’s list of many thynges was tabled, and the wishlist reviewed. Sue to talk to Ross re match.

Authority to Operate Bank Account

New committee members to be added to the authority.

ALHF Restructure

ALHF restructure update provided – Safety principles and authenticity principles delivered to all members in the previous week will be made by-laws at the AGM. There was some contention with authenticity principle 10b.  It is seen as possible overdoing things and unnecessary as all contingencies caught by 10b would be covered by 10c. Members to contact ALHF regarding this individually. Safety principles will be regarded as a joke until endorsed by Safety Sven.

General Business

RAHS in-sewer-ants

Wayne & Glenda to provide RAHS with an approximate value on the inventory for an insurance quote.


Communication will take many forms

  • blog
  • website
  • email list
  • FacePlant

Noted the website calendar is the calendar of record. All financial, unfinancial and past members, interested individuals and others to be included.

Firearm Amendment – Ammunition Control Bill 2012

New bill tabled in parliament seeks to make it even harder to but ammunition. Copy sent to Ross for an opinion on black powder purchasing.


Is anybody experiencing any issues with the licensing authority, particularly certificates of attendance? Seems to be a minimum of difficulty. As no range certificates were forthcoming from Taminick this year, members are advised to look to their own range attendance.

Next meeting – at the Red Cow, Penriff

Meeting closed 2:44pm with a descent on the bar.

Action Items By
12/01 RAHS with an approximate value on the inventory for an insurance quote WR/GR
12/02 Circulate mail list management document to committee WR

[1] Special in that work was actually done.

Posted by: Wayne Robinson | March 1, 2012

Games boxes

Now you have all your new-found board game skills worked out, what do you do with them? Get one of these to play on, obviously.

There’s chess on the B side and backgammon inside. Here’s another example.

And there are entire sites devoted to them. Obviously the flash sets are for the nobs, but let’s have another, closer look at the one the soldiers were playing draughts on from the post a few back. You can plainly see the division between the two layers of the board and the two catches holding them closed.

Game of Draughts - detail

So there were plainer ones around for the plebs, just very few of them make it in to the history books or on display in museums. There’s an earlier backgammon board from the Mary Rose (1545) made in a similar way but without the B-sides for the other games, the two leaves of the board look like they have been made by different people and really obviously don’t match. The quality of the work is similar to the one in the painting. The other remarkable thing is that the veneer, particularly on the German ones, is as thin as modern knife-cut veneer, not medieval sawn veneer. You can see it in the corners where it’s lifting.

Often they were carried in a cloth or leather bag to protect them. The Mary Rose one had traces of red cloth on the outside, and there’s a couple of inventories from the 16th century specifying white leather bags.

So now there’s no excuse not to get a board or two. I’m going to have a crack at making one and might let you know how I go.

Posted by: Wayne Robinson | February 26, 2012

Tinder for a tinderbox

Time for another mea culpa. I had been of the understanding that the use of char-cloth for fire lighting was introduced slightly before the American Civil War. I’ve just discovered I was wrong after reading a quote in the latest Mary Rose book (Vol 3, Weapons of Warre) I’ll give the full quote because it also describes the method for preparing normal tinder and the tinder box.

Take those great things which are called olde Todestooles growing out of the bottomes of nuttrees, beechtrees, okes, and such like trees, drye them with the smoke of fire, & then cut them into as many peeces as you will, and hauing well beaten them, boyle the  in strong lie with waule floure, or saltpeeter, till all the lie shal be consumend. After this laying them in a heape uppon a boorde, drie them in an oven which must not be made verie hotte, and after you haue so done, beate them well with a wooden mallet, and when you shall haue cause to use any parte of those Todestooles (now by the means above declared made touchwood) rubbe well that parte betweene your handes for to make it softe and apte to take fire. But when you will make tinder for a Gunners tinder boxe, take peeces of fustian, or of old and fine linnen clothe, make them to burn and flame in a fire, & suddenly before the flame which is in the  doth die, choke the fire, & keepe their tinder so made in a boxe lined within with clothe, to the ende that it may not be moyste at any time.

Appendix 20-1,  Lucar, C., Translation of Tartaglia, Three Bookes of Colloquies Concerning the Arte of Shooting in Great and Samll Peeces of Artillerie with Appendix, London,1588

Posted by: Wayne Robinson | February 16, 2012

Games – Morris

Copy of a Mary Rose arrow chest, 1545, with a morris board carved in to the lid


Nine Mens’ Morris or Mill is played on a board consisting of three concentric squares connected by lines from the middle of each of the inner square’s sides to the middle of the corresponding outer square’s side. Pieces are played on the corner points and on the points where lines intersect so there are 24 playable points. In this version of the game, there are nine black and nine white counters.

Preparation and Objective

To begin with the board is empty. The basic aim of the game is to make “mills” – vertical or horizontal lines of three in a row. Every time this is achieved, an opponent’s piece is removed, the overall objective being to reduce the number of opponent’s pieces to less than three or to render the opponent unable to play.

Basic Play

Players toss a coin or have a fistfight to decide who will play white – white moves first and has a slight advantage as a result. Play is in two phases. To begin with, players take turns to play a piece of their own colour on any unoccupied point until all eighteen pieces have been played. After that, play continues alternately but each turn consists of a player moving one piece along a line to an adjacent point.

Whenever a player achieves a mill, that player immediately removes from the board one piece belonging to the opponent that does not form part of a mill. If all the opponent’s pieces form mills then an exception is made and the player is allowed to remove any piece. It is only upon the formation of a mill that a piece is captured but a player will often break a mill by moving a piece out of it and then, in a subsequent turn, play the piece back again, thus forming a new mill and capturing another piece.

Captured pieces are never replayed onto the board and remain captured for the remainder of the game. The game is finished when a player loses either by being reduced to two pieces or by being unable to move.

Alternative board layouts have been used over the centuries. One common pattern adds four extra diagonal lines to the basic board outlined above, the lines being drawn from the corners of the inner square to the corners of the outer square. Pieces can be moved and mills made along these extra lines in the usual way.

Posted by: internationalroutier | February 10, 2012

Happy New Ordinance,

An Ordinance of the Committee of the Pike and Musket Society in Parliament, for the safety and defence of the Regiment

Whereas there hath been of late a most dangerous and desperate design upon the Regiment, which we have just cause to believe to be an effect of the bloody counsels of lay-abouts and other indolent persons,; and by reason of many discoveries we cannot but fear they will proceed not only to stir up the like sloth and idleness in the Regiment, but also to back them with forces from abroad.

For the safety therefore of the whole Body of Routiers in this time of imminent danger

The Committee appoints Andrew B of B___roke as Ensign, to carry the Dignity of the Routiers. And he shall have power to remove out of their places and make others from time to time as he thinks fit for that purpose.

And be it further ordained, that Gordon, Victoria, Stephen, Jackie shall be from time to time sequentially, randomly or otherwise called upon as Drummers, to rouse the Regiment to martial display and a semblance of in-time stepping.

Ross A, his appointment to the Office of Quartermaster is confirmed. Wayne R, his appointment as Public Officer is confirmed.

Wayne R and Ross A are also to retain their field duties as Corporals of Pike and Musket respectively. And they shall have power to remove out of their places and make others from time to time as they think fit for that purpose.

Louise L and Glenda R shall have such power and authority for Provender at camps and other events as is needful to ensure the most adequate and economical distribution of victuals to Routiers at certain times assembled and shall have the power to nominate and appoint such persons of quality as shall seem meet to them to assist.

The said persons, shall have power to lead, conduct and employ the persons aforesaid arrayed and weaponed, for the suppression of all rebellions, insurrections and invasions that may happen within the several and respective counties and places; according as they from time to time shall receive directions from the Committee assembled in Parliament.

Lastly, with regards to the most august position of Captayne, it is ordained by the Committee now in Parliament assembled, that Ross A of M___shire shall be designated Captayne of the Blacktown Medieval Fair, and Andrew B of B___roke shall be designated Captayne of the Wintercampe.

And to these purposes, they shall severally and respectively have power to assemble and call together all and singular Routiers, within the several and respective counties and places, as well within liberties as without, that are meet and fit for the wars, and them to train and exercise and put in readiness, and them after their abilities and faculties well and sufficiently from time to time to cause to be arrayed and weaponed, and to take the muster of them in places most fit for that purpose.

And it is further ordained, that such persons as shall not obey in any of the premises, shall answer their neglect and contempt in a Parliamentary way, and not otherwise nor elsewhere, and that every the powers granted as aforesaid shall continue until it shall be otherwise ordered or declared by both Houses of Parliament and no longer.

By the Authority of the Committee of the Pike and Musket Society,

Sue D, President. January 15. 2012.

The Divine Inspiration….

The Militia Ordinance.
[March 5, 1641/2. Journals of the House of Lords, iv. 587. See Hist. of Engl. x. 167, 171.[1]]
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, for the safety and defence of the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales.
Whereas there hath been of late a most dangerous and desperate design upon the House of Commons, which we have just cause to believe to be an effect of the bloody counsels of Papists and other ill-affected persons, who have already raised a rebellion in the kingdom of Ireland; and by reason of many discoveries we cannot but fear they will proceed not only to stir up the like rebellion and insurrections in this kingdom of England, but also to back them with forces from abroad.
For the safety therefore of His Majesty’s person, the Parliament and kingdom in this time of imminent danger:
It is ordained by[2] the Lords and Commons now in Parliament assembled, that Henry Earl of Holland shall be Lieutenant of the County of Berks, Oliver Earl of Bolingbroke shall be Lieutenant of the County of Bedford, &c.
And shall severally and respectively have power to assemble and call together all and singular His Majesty’s subjects, within the said several and respective counties and places, as well within liberties as without, that are meet and fit for the wars, and them to train and exercise and put in readiness, and them after their abilities and faculties well and sufficiently from time to time to cause to be arrayed and weaponed, and to take the muster of them in places most[3] fit for that purpose; and the aforesaid Henry Earl of Holland, Oliver Earl of Bolingbroke, &c., shall severally and respectively have power within the several and respective counties and places aforesaid, to nominate and appoint such persons of quality as to them shall seem meet to be their Deputy Lieutenants, to be approved of by both Houses of Parliament:
And that any one or more of the said deputies so assigned and approved of in the absence or by the command of the said Henry Earl of Holland, Oliver Earl of Bolingbroke, &c., shall have power and authority to do and execute within the said several and respective counties and places to them assigned as aforesaid, all such powers and authorities before in this present Ordinance contained; and the aforesaid Henry Earl of Holland, Oliver Earl of Bolingbroke, &c., shall have power to make colonels, captains and other officers, and to remove out of their places, and make others from time to time, as they shall think fit for that purpose; and the said Henry Earl of Holland, Oliver Earl of Bolingbroke, &c., their deputy or deputies in their absence or by their command, shall have power to lead, conduct and employ the persons aforesaid arrayed and weaponed, for the suppression of all rebellions, insurrections and invasions that may happen within the several and respective counties and places; and shall have power and authority to lead, conduct and employ the persons aforesaid arrayed and weaponed, as well within their said several and respective counties and places, as within any other part of this realm of England or dominion of Wales, for the suppression of all rebellions, insurrections and invasions that may happen, according as they from time to time shall receive directions from[4] the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament.
And be it further ordained, that Sir John Gayre, Sir Jacob Garret, Knights, &c., citizens of London, or any six or more of them, shall have such power and authority within the City of London as any of the Lieutenants before named are authorised to have by this Ordinance, within the said several and respective counties (the nomination and appointment of Deputy Lieutenants only excepted). And it is further ordained, that such persons as shall not obey in any of the premises, shall answer their neglect and contempt to the Lords and Commons in a Parliamentary way, and not otherwise nor elsewhere, and that every the powers granted as aforesaid shall continue until it shall be otherwise ordered or declared by both Houses of Parliament and no longer.
[1] A very similar Ordinance was sent up to the Lords on Feb. 15 and accepted by them on the 16th (Journals of the House of Lords, iv. 587). It was sent to the King, and his answer having been voted to be a denial, the Lords returned the Ordinance to the Commons in a slightly altered form. It was finally adopted by both Houses on March 5.
[2] ‘by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty,’ is here inserted in the Ordinance of February 16.
[3] ‘most ‘ is omitted in the Ordinance of February 16.
[4] ‘by His Majesty’s authority, signified unto them by ‘ stands in the Ordinance of February 16 in the place of ‘ from.’

Posted by: Wayne Robinson | February 9, 2012

Protected: Committee Meeting Minutes, 29 December 2011

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:

Posted by: internationalroutier | February 8, 2012

Count me in!- trailer inventory bee

On a rare fine day of the summer, why don’t you…
1) Empty the trailer
2) Look at the stuff
3) Chuck some stuff, clean some stuff, fix some stuff, list some stuff we don’t have
4) Put it all back into the trailer

Tell me that doesn’t sound like a top day out!

Thank goodness our wise new president added a step 5) Lunch & Beers!

I think Ross has a mouthful of brown sauce at this point.

One of the main objectives of the day was to look at items we may have accrued over the years that are either no longer fit for purpose or that are not consistent with the latest in 17thC artefact research. Some things squeak above the yellow line by virtue of their handiness rather than their accuracy.

Exhibit #1
Very handy, not very period.

Some things are handy, but not period in their design and a more accurate version is desirable (and relatively easy).

Exhibit #2
Need to increase accuracy by replacing cork stoppers with wood.

Some things lose points (please note dear all on the interwebs, the word is ‘lose’ not ‘loose’) for design innacuracies but are saved by period construction materials and the ability to stack neatly in the trailer.

Exhibit #3
Anything that stacks is likely to stay.

Some things were just too grotty/non period or unnecessary to survive the day.
Exhibit #4
The naughty corner.

Some things defy description.
Exhibit #5
The very naughty corner, aka too hard basket.

If there are any coopers out there wanting a gig…

Great lists were listed, wishes wished and notes noted. Stay tuned to a Soldier’s Council meeting near you for full reports.

Please insert your own joke about having wood.

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